Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Superhero that is me

Today i discovered one of the 'adult playgrounds' in my local park. For the uninitiated, this is basically a bunch of logs, poles and bars of varying shapes and sizes that together form a kind of fitness area. I think they were created in the 90's to when they realised that as a whole we were all getting fatter and lazier and thought that we needed some encouragment to shape up. This particualr fitness area was in disarray I guess after the realisation that no number of wooden poles in the local park was going to make us a fit and healthy society set in. 

Luckily through the peeling paint on the signs I was able to make out 4 different sets of exercises. I then proceeded with stage one - stretching. I powered through, even though I have the flexibility of a 97 year old elephant who has never been given the opportunity to move what so ever in it's entire lifetime. It was after I moved onto stage 2 that I had to begin to check that no one was watching before I began each exercise. My instinct was right as I attempted the vault jump, and not having jumped in any way or form for at least the past 5 years, my feet didn't reach quite high enough, they clipped the pole and I fell into the sand. After a furtive look around to check if my pride should be bruised as much as my ankles were, I went onto the next exercise, only to discover that my arms had become like those of a indian swami who has been sitting under a tree meditating for 50 years, and they would no longer hold my body weight. 

I was excited by the discovery that i no longer had any physical prowess left at all and I was relegated to a life of sitting in front of a computer, eating canned pie apple and sipping coola cordial. 

I left the fitness area, after being defeated by almost everyone of those pices of wood and occasional bars of metal with the determination to return tomoro and attempt another chin up.

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